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Atlanta and Georgia Product Managers and Marketers: TAG Annual Awards Nominations


The Technology Association of Georgia is having their annual award dinner and nominations for 2012 activities. Here is a snippet from the site:

The Technology Association of Georgia’s Product Manager of the Year Award 2012 recognizes the outstanding efforts of a Product Manger to development, adhere, and execute the ideals of our profession.  Whether it is a product or service that breaks new ground or driving a product through its life cycle, this award is to an individual that upholds the highest standards of Product Management. It may not yet be proven in the marketplace but an understanding of the potential market must be demonstrated. The product or service could include hardware, software, services – such as training or support, telecommunications, new techniques or any similar innovation. This award may also consist of a unique combination of technologies that have been combined for the first time.

If you have a nominee for consideration, the recommendation needs to be made by January 25, 2013 via the forms at the following link:

There are several categories for consideration:

  • Product Manager of the Year
  • Rookie Product Manager of the Year – Less than three years Product Management experience
  • Product Launch of the Year

If you want to attend the award dinner and hear a keynote from Bill Nussey, the CEO of Silver Pop and participate in the recognition of Atlanta and Georgia’s leading technology marketers, the registration form is here:

Is it just me or is there a bunch of events going on?

There are no shortage of events going on for product managers and marketers.  So what’s going on?  A flurry of ProductCamps are on the schedule, along with regional talks and a conference on Innovation.

If you are interested in going to a PCamp, a complete list of schedule camps can be found at  I hear there even is a Vancouver in the works for 2011 from one of yesterday’s commentators here..

Here are a couple of other events which you might be able to catch online or if you are in Vancouver:

Pipeline 2010: This is a virtual meeting of folks who will be speaking on the best practices of innovation, product development, and product portfolio management.  Some of the speakers include – Chris Trimble, Braden Kelley, John Milburn, Maureen Carlson, Steven Cristol, Bill Poston…. This event is hosted by Planview on November 10, 2010

British Columbia Technology Industry AssociationThe November 16th session focuses executing on your strategy in trying times.  The session will be lead by Barb Nelson.

Technology Association of Georgia PM Society – The November 10th meeting is focused on Developing Product Strategies That Align With Corporate Strategy.

There’s no such thing as a social product, only social product managers

Great event at ProductCamp Austin, thanks to all the organizers – well done!  There were some very engaging presentation and discussions throughout the day.  The level of the content, number of attendees and the number of people that stayed until the end showed that Austin is a leading technology community.  Kudos to Josh Duncan for getting best presenter and Sharon Drew Morgen.

Many thanks to those of you that came to my session and making the town hall discussion rich and beneficial for all the folks that attended.    I’ve learned a great deal from the session and look forward Austin’s next product camp.

Buyer Personas Vary: A Quantitative Approach By Geography

I found this presentation from Banner which applies some quantitative information to validate that markets and buyer personas vary by geography.  Intuitively this makes sense and it is more than likely something each of us have learned along the way (some of us the hard way), but most of the data sets we have in our businesses are  anecdotal.  Thanks to the author for doing the math on this.