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There’s no such thing as a social product, only social product managers

Great event at ProductCamp Austin, thanks to all the organizers – well done!  There were some very engaging presentation and discussions throughout the day.  The level of the content, number of attendees and the number of people that stayed until the end showed that Austin is a leading technology community.  Kudos to Josh Duncan for getting best presenter and Sharon Drew Morgen.

Many thanks to those of you that came to my session and making the town hall discussion rich and beneficial for all the folks that attended.    I’ve learned a great deal from the session and look forward Austin’s next product camp.

ProductCamp Austin: Ready for learning, networking and sharing

PCA10 is just a couple of days away and I’m feverishly tweaking my content to help move the discussion for the proposed Town Hall session on Social Media.   Ultimately, I’m just ready to see some of the discussions already up for voting because there are some interesting ones proposed in each content area.  If you haven’t been to a ProductCamp before, one of the hardest things to do is to pick the presentations which you want to vote for.  Every product camp I’ve been to has had more topics of interest to me than I’ve had stickers and PCA10 should be no different.

There are many reasons to go this weekend, but learning is the big one.  I’m excited to see old friends, meet others IRL who I haven’t, but the ability to learn and network with a group of people who have different experiences and viewpoints is the key reason for me.

If you are interested in a session on Social Media and how to leverage social media to improve your products and their effectiveness in your market space, I’ve put up a session for consideration.   Here is an overview of the proposed Town Hall discussion – There’s No Such Thing as a Social Product, Only Social Product Managers:

With all the focus on social media and the opportunities it affords organizations, there is still very little traction in many sectors and roles. While marketing and communications, pr and other functional groups in technology companies have rapidly embraced social platforms and tactics, the evidence indicates that the majority of Product Managers are less likely to use social options to improve products, engage the market and identify new problems to solve with their solutions. This session will examine the state of product management and social media, while identifying 3 key takeaways which you can put in practice tomorrow to improve your understanding of buyers, your customers and the problems waiting to be solved.

Travel safe to Austin and see you Saturday!

Tomato, Tomaatoe, Usability, UX, Human Factors – Whatever it’s a good idea.

I was talking to Jason Brett this morning to get hands-on view of how SoCal Product Camp went.   Jason went on about a great presentation he saw when he was out at the SoCal ProductCamp, so I decided to go out and find it and take a look.  Mack McCoy was kind enough to upload them to Slideshare, but the one below caught my attention.  I’m not sure if this is the presentation Jason was talking about, but in 13 easy rules you have a neat way to look at UX from Joely Gardner.

For me, I always like to see a way to easily digest information like this presentation.    I wonder if  UX principles were applied to the presentation?   I really like the white-space and I didn’t even notice the difference in the multiple bullet colors until looking at it the 4th review and that would definitely be something I typically notice first time around.  I guess that why we should care about our software product users experience – they shouldn’t notice the product per se, only the benefits they receive from the product.