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From the Stream: Good People day…

April 3 is Good People day. Another great example of how Twitter improves communication and collaboration. This post is courtesy of @gapingvoid‘s tweet espousing Gary Vaynerchuk’s request to make tomorrow. Seems like a reasonable cause – acknowledge good people – clearly a noble thing. I’ve decided I’m going to embrace it a little more actively — I’m going to actually attempt to BE A reasonably GOOD PERSON tomorrow. What are you going to do for GPD08?

So I commit to doing the following tomorrow:

  • Go out of my way to help a stranger – no shortages of opportunities here, I’ll be in an Airport.
  • Reconnect with at least 5 people I haven’t talked to in over 6 months.
  • Find opportunities to compliment at least 5 people tomorrow

So while you think of the 3 good things you are going to do tomorrow, listen to the Good People Jam from Panic.