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SOCON10: Measuring Social Media for B2B: Activities Need to Drive Results


Many thanks to the folks that attended the session I lead.  We had a great discussion on what’s important, what folks are doing and how organizations should focus on improving over time.  There still appears to be this learning curve around social media which is awesome.  SoCon10 had a bunch of new faces and folks who are looking to better understand the tools, the type of processes which are best supported via social media efforts.

As discussed in the session, here are the links to the MS&L and PR Week Survey on Social Media and the 2009-2010: Product Management Survey from Pragmatic Marketing, where several of the graphs came from.

Thanks again for the discussion and many thanks to Leonard Witt and the rest of the folks who again setup a great event at Kennesaw State for Atlanta’s marketers, interactive media crowd and journalists.