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Market Problems

CIO: Leverage what you have and oh yeah, a little innovation please

I was talking to a friend the other day about his role as a CIO at a large fast food chain and he was always challenged to reduce his spend and do more with what he already had in production.  Not a very good sign if your trying to sell technology products.   What transpired during this conversation is very similar to the issues set forth in the slide presentation from Abbie Lundberg. After leaving it still appears she has the flair for the dramatic with the title of the presentation, but is it dramatic or a reality? One thing is sure, the role of CIO is changing according to Thomas Wailgum at per a recent survey of CIO’s – “Given the… warning signs, it’s easy to speculate that the CIO’s role and the department’s sovereign power might be slip-sliding away.”

Corporate Culture: Lead through Context, Manage by Values…

The NetFlix corporate culture must be an amazing thing based on this presentation.  I’ve learned some things I plan on implementing – forget that, to embody.  I think every Executive, Contributor and Manager can take something away from this, not just HR folk. Teamwork and trust can do amazing things. Process and tools for context, not control.


View more presentations from reed2001.

Recycling: A Mid-Summers Night’s Writers Block (aka Strategic Planning) – 1 of 3

Survey sampling
Image via Wikipedia

Getting to be those lazy days of summer – ok, not really.  I’m in the process of packing up the house, coordinating all work and trying to find out how to get ready to be in Europe for the last half of August and into Sept.  No shortage of things to do in real life, so I thought it might be better to work on my focus here with a little research on what people are reading and not reading around here.

Ultimately it’s just looking at some content, stats and alike….  I’ve more or less made it an annual process to review the site, understand where it has been and what the trajectory looks like going forward – Strategic Planning more or less.

The Methodology

The process is fairly straight forward – review the content, identify content themes of personal interest and write, more acurately extend certain concepts.  The planning activity for me is psuedo-rigorous with a bunch of reading and thinking – no presentations to give, but a bunch of thinking and mindmapping.  The metrics and content themes are more or less directional and just make me understand a little more.

A Content Analysis

Over time the content and focused has changed, but there are two key areas of sustained interest for me, Branding & Product Management, which is where Spatially Relevant is listed by Alltop.   So as exercise I set out to  find out where and when did these themes started @ Spatially Relevant.  So I’m kicking off my market research for the 2010 strategic plan with a revisionist history on these two tags.

First Post on Each Tag

Product Management: First Post on Product Management was a slideshare preso on Product, which I can’t seem load, but more or less within the first thirty days of start.

Branding: Brand first appeared with an almost an incoherent post on pricing and promotion.  So the first 90 days of spinning up the blog.

Other Posts Over Time

After reviewing the initial content here, I saw that it had a happy little randomness about it – sorta all lifestream like and stuff.  The site seems to be going back that way a little, last year I declared less fluff and more value as part of the strategic plan, not sure how that worked out in retrospect, but it was fun.

Taxation and economics not quite simplified

I don’t spend too much time thinking about taxes, but ran into this slide deck which uses a “3 guys go to a bar” approach which includes a little revolution and potential expats along with the cartoon characters. I take a little issue with the zero contribution and zero benefit approach, since math bears out that worker guy over time received $1000’s in benefit in the model laid out. I guess that might be the point – no tax cuts or we have to pay for our own beer. I’m actually a little confused by the message, it’s almost inverse Marxism with the focus on the benefit and status quo, rather than the contribution and improvement.