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Cartography finally has a killer app: Google Latitude

2 revolutionary product posts in two days.  Today’s, ok a day late, if a mobile app from Google. The launch of Google Latitude is bound to represent a new mode of interaction…  Spatially driven personal interactions – like real people and stuff – potentially.  Clearly an interesting product for product manager – lots o’ uses.  So here is the overview:

Latitude is a new feature for Google Maps on your mobile device. It’s also an iGoogle gadget on your computer. Once you’ve opted in to Latitude, you can see the approximate location of your friends and loved ones who have decided to share their location with you. So now you can do things like see if your spouse is stuck in traffic on the way home from work, notice that a buddy is in town for the weekend, or take comfort in knowing that a loved one’s flight landed safely, despite bad weather.

And with Latitude, not only can you see your friends’ locations on a map, but you can also be in touch directly via SMS, Google Talk, Gmail, or by updating your status message; you can even upload a new profile photo on the fly. It’s a fun way to feel close to the people you care about.

Yup a killer app – safety, spying, OCD management and visual “where are you” answers.   With “fine grained” privacy management it may just be what makes each of our Google account more valuable – I just synched my feedburner account – so why not another Google app.

Oh – yeah – a little delay for the iPhone version… Very cool share cool of wallet play Google folks.  Android anyone?