This week’s travel brings me to Minneapolis and the folks from the ProductCamp are getting together. If you are in Minneapolis on Thursday I hope to see you there.
Many thanks to Barry and Jennifer Doctor for again getting the Product Management and Marketing community together to talk shop. I hope to see you there, below is an overview from the invite:
Join us for the first ever ProductCamp Happy Holiday Hour. If you were at ProductCamp last month, one of the big takeaways was to always keep your network alive. Here is a chance to hug old friends and shake hands with new ones in a very casual, festive environment. It is another chance to work on building a vibrant, local product community.
AT: St. Louis Park Woodfire Grill, 6501 Wayzata Boulevard, Minneapolis, MN 55426 http://www.slpwoodfiregrill.com7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Hope to see some Spatially Relevant readers there!