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The Successful Product Manager

So I was browsing slideshare this morning and Chris Cummings presentation from a couple of years ago is on the first page as a featured presentation. I thought it was great when I first saw it, but since it is taking on a second life and to make sure more folks get to see it I decided to post.  Nice Job Chris!  If you don’t read his blog you should –


10 Myths of Innovation

The other side of innovation provides some interesting insights on how to drive innovation through to execution. The most interesting piece on what not to do is:

  • Don’t work with insiders
  • Don’t use existing processes
  • Don’t use existing metrics

If you are focusing on innovation you need to not be constrained by current people, processes and systems.  Here are also 10 myths of Innovation from the presentation:

  1. Innovation is all about ideas
  2. The great leader never fails
  3. Leaders are only fighting the system
  4. Everyone can be an innovator
  5. Innovation happens organically
  6. Can be inside an establish organization
  7. Requires wholesale organizational change
  8. Innovation can only happen in Skunk Works
  9. Innovation is unmanageable chaos
  10. Only start-ups can innovate

Oh yeah, here’s the presentation.


Slide Week: A Brief History of Open Source

Open source has apparently been around for 35 yrs according to this presentation.  There is no doubt how open source availability has changed the economics of enterprise software and helped fuel the growth of the cloud and this history of open source is very helpful to better understand how we got to where we are today in software. Many thanks to Francois Marier for putting this presentation which puts open source in a historical context.