The 4 P’s of blogging

So here are Steve Rubel’s version of the 4 P’s of blogging:

Passionate – Write about issues that are near and dear to your heart
Purposeful – Make sure you keep the end in mind; why are you blogging?
Present – Keep an eye on what’s topical today
Positional – Take a stand on an issue and follow it

I read it and thought – isn’t that just the big P product? So I figured I would look around a little on his [tag]blog[/tag] and he seems a little interesting:


[tag]Steve Rubel[/tag] is a senior marketing strategist with over 15 years experience. He currently serves as senior vice president in Edelman’s me2revolution practice. Edelman is the largest independent global PR firm.

He is charged with helping Edelman identify, test, incubate and champion new forms of communication. He also explores this on his well-read Micro Persuasion weblog and in a bi-weekly column for AdAge Digital.

Steve is often sought out as a speaker and appears frequently in the press. He has been named to several prestigious lists, including: Media Magazine’s Media 100, the AlwaysOn/Technorati Open Media 100 and the CNET Blog 100. Prior to joining Edelman in 2006, Rubel spent five years at CooperKatz & Company.

Regardless of Steve’s curriculum vitae, the [tag]4 P’s[/tag] above are only attributes of the Product and how to find niche. At some levels, this is the YOU segment a theoretical concept which I have no experience in, but am currently executing in my [tag]blogging[/tag] efforts.

So know your [tag]affinity[/tag] attributes and blog away.

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