So there couldn’t be a more grounded comment than the one below and clearly merits a good people post for @geekmommy for GPD08. The following comment is in regard for Gary V’s declaration of today being Good People Day.
Gary – I don’t want to sound like Cassandra – but I hope you mean ‘good people in general’ and not ‘good people and here’s a list’…
In my experience, trying to point out ‘those who are good’ often means forgetting others who are, and making them feel excluded and unvalued.I would never participate in something that had the potential for me to hurt someone by leaving someone else out who also deserved recognition – but relied upon my memory.
The oscar speech for me is “Thank you to everyone – my friends, my family, and all those who made this possible” – but there would never be a list, lest I forget someone who would be forever hurt by their exclusion.
I hope this GPD08 isn’t about lists and isn’t just about Gary. Plus this is an amazing piece on the carrying capacity of twitter and personal use of the platform, again an open discussion. Thanks for being good people Lucretia! Hopefully it doesn’t take another year for folks to speak well of others, but then again there’s the Shel & Loren fun which I hope goes on for a year. Need to provide equal airtime, Shel on PayPerTweet
Blog: Good Take from @geekymommy and a good person: So there couldn’t be a more grounded com..
I think there’s probably something ironic about having someone blog that I’m a good person after I’ve been so hesitant to endorse the Good People Day – but thank you so much for saying these very nice things.
I look forward to getting to know you better on Twitter. 🙂
Irony indeed! Although it is probably because you showed empathy and understanding that made me select you. I’ve read a few pieces, now I’ll read more.