WANTED: Social Media Antagonist

Spatially Relevant (SR), a Top 333,000 blog, is the leading Geography, Marketing, Product Management, Social Media and Live Music (GeoMaPMSMLM) blog. SR is seeing amazing flatness in our growth and seeking a little assistance in taking the SR experience to the next level.

The rapidly growing GeoMaPMSMLM segment represents a great opportunity for the successful candidate to rise to almost internet famous. Think about it – there are 980,000,000 people on the planet who profess an interest in one or more of these topics according to IDC. With only 1% market penetration you could still be reasonably obscure outside of the internet. The culture at Spatially Relevant is eclectic and unfocused, so you will have an opportunity change the conversation and stimulate new topics and editorial themes. The search for Social Media Antagonist is international and cross-network. A key focus of this position is to open new channels for SR in emerging markets and platforms, such Orkut and Xing. In short, the successful candidate must be platform and social network promiscuous.

The role of Social Media Antagonist is seen as a strategic investment by the Spatially Relevant board of directors and appropriate love and care will be provided by the whole organization to ensure success. It is as of yet undecided if the antagonist will be more of a frienemy or a straight up antagonist, this will be determined collaboratively during the conversational interview process.


  • Will need to be a follower on twitter of @spatially prior to throwing your hat in the ring
  • Should have more the 750 followers on twitter. It’s ok if they are only “internet friends”
  • Should have YOUR own blog with a technorati rank of <333,000, bonus if your blog is on dungeons and dragons, science or star trek.
  • Should have modest command of the English language, think reasonable grammar, but limited vocabulary.
  • Should be reasonably patient for me to respond to not so witty barbs on week days, since I have a job and this is like 4th on my priority list.
  • Should have a completely superficial understanding of GeoMaPSMLM topics and concepts
  • Prefer that you are more emotional than logical in your social media efforts

The PERFECT Candidate must be willing support the following internet personality attribute constraints:

  • Should not be mean or creative
  • Prefer you NOT remind me of my grandfather or be a puppet
  • Belligerent and not well thought out tweets are fine, but keep it clean – I can’t stand cussing.
  • Would prefer you not do podcast or video, I just don’t have the time or talent.
  • Should not be a Democrat since I would like to have an edge in empathy, awareness, logic and creativity.
  • Would not have your own T-Shirt already, since I’ve got a really cool tagline I’ve been working on which would be SWEET on a t-shirt. (I even have an antagonist version/anti-tagline for the successful candidate)
  • Should not be trying to make the world a better place with your social media efforts


  • BA in Liberal Arts, bonus points will be awared for Children’s Literature, Children’s Theatre or Public Administration majors. Non-Degree holders will be considered providing you have verifiable street cred when it comes to online antagonism.
  • Degrees from Tier 4/5 University preferred (Think MAC10, regional private school or SEC)

So if you think you have the right level of medicority for this position just post your qaulifications via the following options.

  • comment below
  • post your response on your blog with the following Tag: SMASR
  • via an email to publisher -AT- spatiallyrelevant -DOT- org, with your CV attached.

Please note: All submissions will potentially be leveraged for future follow up posts, tweets or other interactions to see if you have the right stuff and are not just “paper qualified”. Be sure to include your @twittername, blog URL and favorite band in your submission for consideration.

Thanks in advance for your quality submissions.

Compensation: Commensurate with effort

Position Type: Temp to Perm, while seen as strategic, could easily be abandoned

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  • Reply jon gatrell April 5, 2008 at 9:33 am

    Blog: WANTED: Social Media Antagonist: Spatially Relevant (SR), a Top 333,000 blog, is the leading.. http://tinyurl.com/6xbqqr

  • Reply spatially relevant » Blog Archive » Social Evolution: Providing Acess and Developing Relationships April 7, 2008 at 12:17 am

    […] I really don’t want a Social Media Antagonist or think that anything such as a social media Ninja exists, I do think we are ALL attempting to […]

  • Reply HOT POST: Fake Job Humor « LensNexus April 8, 2008 at 6:19 am

    […] 8, 2008 in UncategorizedTags: funny, humor, link, satire The rapidly growing GeoMaPMSMLM segment represents a great opportunity for the successful candidate to rise to almost […]

  • Reply The week’s relevance « jgatrell April 8, 2008 at 6:36 am

    […] The rapidly growing GeoMaPMSMLM segment represents a great opportunity for the successful candidate to rise to almost internet famous. Think about it – there are 980,000,000 people on the planet who profess an interest in one or more of these topics according to IDC. …. more […]

  • Reply spatially relevant » Blog Archive » It’s official! I suck April 16, 2008 at 9:55 pm

    […] WANTED: Social Media Antagonist […]

  • Reply spatially relevant » Blog Archive » Need Blog Cred? Go to a conference May 9, 2008 at 1:19 pm

    […] linked the attendee list and created “blog reactions” which have since my last point of reference raised my technorati […]

  • Reply Igor The Troll May 24, 2008 at 10:40 am

    Interesting! Let’s see how we can collaborate at first!

  • Reply spatially relevant » Blog Archive » A Group of Conversations: Social Media Clubbing June 29, 2008 at 12:53 pm

    […] over 10 emails, Chris was silent on the conversation. A recent twitter exchange between my favorite social media antagonist, @amandachapel, and @chrisheuer made me I start to think, well maybe I could write this at this […]

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