So thought I would do a summary based on my topic ideas, good news and bad. The good news I had a great guest post from Kris and one on the way from Kim Howard over at Alz You Need to Know. While we did get two guest post, one done and one on the way no one actually posted on any of the other ideas yet, so is life. Having more than 10 regulars helps is my guess on that one…..
The other interesting thing is there will be a new writer here soon, more of a “sometimes blogger”, Sheryl Altschuler. Sheryl and I have been working on a project for a while which should come out soon and this project has encouraged her to step over the line from traditional marketing to being a social media convert, which I’m leveraging into one of those walk the walk concepts. This clearly wasn’t easy let me tell you, so WELCOME Sheryl and where is that about page you owe me? 🙂
Thanks for Kris and Kim for their efforts and Sheryl’s continued willingness to put up with my theoretical concepts.
Delinquent for sure – but here’s the skinny: So thought I would do a summary based on my topic ideas, g..
Delinquent for sure – but here’s the skinny: So thought I would do a summary based on my topic ideas, go..