Everyone’s an expert… Andee Sellmen’s presentation on 7 steps to Successful Turnaround misses a bunch of obvious items and focuses on just a few too many items most of us learned with our lemonade stands – more cash in is better than going out. Hmmm… seems reasonable, but a turnaround is more about instantiating a new culture than hiring a lead gen consultant/cash flow KING.
From my limited experience, the concept of turnaround assumes they have a product, some revenue and opportunity. So assuming that is the case, you probably need new operational processes across the board, financial controls and different people more so than a lead generation/mgt process. I’m just saying there may be a more complete way to look at it…
Check out his website – http://www.onesherpa.com/ – I guess it is a hard climb up the profitability market from these 7 tips, but apparently you can get a membership to his site and get clued in how to become cash flow positive in 30 days or whatever.
SR Post: Turnarounds are more cultural than process based: Everyone’s an expert… .. http://bit.ly/hYhLJ
RT @ spatially – Turnarounds are more cultural than process based: Everyone’s an expert… .. http://bit.ly/hYhLJ
rt @spatially – Turnarounds are more cultural than process based: Everyone’s an expert… .. http://bit.ly/hYhLJ