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content marketing

Content Marketing: 100 Use Cases for Marketers to Deploy Content

Content continues to be a critical item for marketers to influence behaviors, beliefs and drive engagement.  This presentation demonstrates creative and effective use of content by companies big and small across all kinds of sectors.

Content marketing campaigns are only online, the most effective are integrated across multiple online, IRL and print channels. See how folks are using different mediums to drive results across the following tactics:

  • Blogs
  • Webcasts
  • Podcasts
  • Magazines
  • Websites
  • Microsites
  • Online Communities
  • Social Media
  • Events
  • Customer Newsletters
  • Videos
  • Mobile Apps

4 Questions to consider when creating content: Is your content citable?

This presentation on “Rocket Content” has some really valuable questions to ask as a content marketer trying to engage senior management at companies.  As you look to develop content and influence your markets, the questions on the final slide are a succinct way to looking at content marketing.  If you are looking to develop content with the potential for thought leadership and going viral inside a potential prospect’s organization this presentation provides some valuable context.  I’d modify how questions slightly as I have done below, but these 4 question are a great starting point for executive content development.

Can your content:

  • Easily be passed to an executive?
  • Credibly be referenced in a presentation?
  • Address an objection?
  • Encourage someone engage your company?


Many thanks to Ian Greenleigh of Bizaarvoice.

Content Marking in B2B: Targeting for leads and nurturing…

Content marketing continues to be top of mind for many product marketers and managers – even if according to these survey results corporate marketing often owns the strategy and budget in many organizations. Publishing relevant content for your market represents a clear opportunity for engagement, funnel introduction and maturing opportunities in the funnel. Holger Schulze’s survey results on content marketing in B2B clearly shows where the lines are being drawn in B2B and content.

Insights on the Psychology of Influencing your markets and buyers online

Influencing buyers continues to be an imperative for all of us marketing types.  This presentation from Brian Cugelman provides an interesting view into Toilet Tipping and a bunch of other stuff like a social context primer, online e-commerce funnel management and other interesting data points for marketers to consider.