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WANTED: Social Media Antagonist

Spatially Relevant (SR), a Top 333,000 blog, is the leading Geography, Marketing, Product Management, Social Media and Live Music (GeoMaPMSMLM) blog. SR is seeing amazing flatness in our growth and seeking a little assistance in taking the SR experience to the next level.

The rapidly growing GeoMaPMSMLM segment represents a great opportunity for the successful candidate to rise to almost internet famous. Think about it – there are 980,000,000 people on the planet who profess an interest in one or more of these topics according to IDC. With only 1% market penetration you could still be reasonably obscure outside of the internet. The culture at Spatially Relevant is eclectic and unfocused, so you will have an opportunity change the conversation and stimulate new topics and editorial themes. The search for Social Media Antagonist is international and cross-network. A key focus of this position is to open new channels for SR in emerging markets and platforms, such Orkut and Xing. In short, the successful candidate must be platform and social network promiscuous.

The role of Social Media Antagonist is seen as a strategic investment by the Spatially Relevant board of directors and appropriate love and care will be provided by the whole organization to ensure success. It is as of yet undecided if the antagonist will be more of a frienemy or a straight up antagonist, this will be determined collaboratively during the conversational interview process.


  • Will need to be a follower on twitter of @spatially prior to throwing your hat in the ring
  • Should have more the 750 followers on twitter. It’s ok if they are only “internet friends”
  • Should have YOUR own blog with a technorati rank of <333,000, bonus if your blog is on dungeons and dragons, science or star trek.
  • Should have modest command of the English language, think reasonable grammar, but limited vocabulary.
  • Should be reasonably patient for me to respond to not so witty barbs on week days, since I have a job and this is like 4th on my priority list.
  • Should have a completely superficial understanding of GeoMaPSMLM topics and concepts
  • Prefer that you are more emotional than logical in your social media efforts

The PERFECT Candidate must be willing support the following internet personality attribute constraints:

  • Should not be mean or creative
  • Prefer you NOT remind me of my grandfather or be a puppet
  • Belligerent and not well thought out tweets are fine, but keep it clean – I can’t stand cussing.
  • Would prefer you not do podcast or video, I just don’t have the time or talent.
  • Should not be a Democrat since I would like to have an edge in empathy, awareness, logic and creativity.
  • Would not have your own T-Shirt already, since I’ve got a really cool tagline I’ve been working on which would be SWEET on a t-shirt. (I even have an antagonist version/anti-tagline for the successful candidate)
  • Should not be trying to make the world a better place with your social media efforts


  • BA in Liberal Arts, bonus points will be awared for Children’s Literature, Children’s Theatre or Public Administration majors. Non-Degree holders will be considered providing you have verifiable street cred when it comes to online antagonism.
  • Degrees from Tier 4/5 University preferred (Think MAC10, regional private school or SEC)

So if you think you have the right level of medicority for this position just post your qaulifications via the following options.

  • comment below
  • post your response on your blog with the following Tag: SMASR
  • via an email to publisher -AT- spatiallyrelevant -DOT- org, with your CV attached.

Please note: All submissions will potentially be leveraged for future follow up posts, tweets or other interactions to see if you have the right stuff and are not just “paper qualified”. Be sure to include your @twittername, blog URL and favorite band in your submission for consideration.

Thanks in advance for your quality submissions.

Compensation: Commensurate with effort

Position Type: Temp to Perm, while seen as strategic, could easily be abandoned

What is social bookmarking and why don’t YOU use it?

So I continue to get amazed with the valuable information I receive from stumbling around folks links, browsing my network on or just digging around. But then I realized that a great deal of folks don’t actually share their links, they more so browse. Why is that? Just in case you get the urge to share, he’s a reminder of why you have an account on mixx or propeller.

Thanks for the video Lee! Odd question have we all replaced social bookmarking with Twitter?

The Lazy Bloggers way to efficiently managing content

I know we are all enamored with widgets, social networks and alike, but it can become just a bunch of WORK! So I spent the weekend overhauling my tools, blog and networks to make it just a little easier. So to save YOU time, I’ve put together some insights I received from the let’s say – at least the last 7 days of work.


The right tools for the right job, not just relevant to carpenters, appears to be good for bloggers as well. I’ve been watching folks use tools on twitter, like [tag]twitterific[/tag], I’ve been playing with my bookmarking sites and just seeing how it might best be coordinated. My previous content management strategy very much had a herding cats feel to it. Here are some of the tools which I’ve centered on based on input from other folks:

  • Shareaholic – a single firefox plug-in which manages all of my go forward social networks. No more crazy toolbars or additional buttons – a single drop down! Needless to say, Firefox is a must have tool.
  • Feedburner – Yes, I know everyone knows about [tag]Feedburner[/tag], but did you know the Pro tools are FREE now? Each tab now has new cool stuff you can use, not just for optimizing your feed, but also your site. There are a whole bunch a goodies in there for you – Feedburner, not just for RSS – a single interface to Optimize, Publicize and Monetize (I’m not monetizing, but I guess I could go for the $.04/mo I might get) and Troubleshootize.
  • FeedFlare – I know, it’s part of feedburner, but it’s so cool because it replaced my previous WordPress plug-in for bookmarking and I think my site is faster, just because of this.

Your Friends and Your Networks – Your TIME

Managing networks, bookmarks and actively participating is a bunch of work. So I QUIT! Sorta anyhow – I’ve centered on only a handful Facebook,, Digg and StumbleUpon (I only kept stumble since it’s a lightweight commitment). Last but not least – Twitter, I’m not sure why I like this so much, it is just fun – I think because it is [tag]iPhone[/tag] friendly and not that much of a commitment – getting the theme here? Social Media-Life Balance

Intelligent Design

Since I’m fundamentally a lazy cat, I really needed to step back and think about how I wanted my online experience to evolve. So I found myself just getting way into the constructs of understanding relationships, what smart folks do online, (this requires a bunch of reading) and what I really want to do with my spare time and why. So I mapped out goals, systems, tools and traffic patterns to understand where I should focus on delivering reasonably meaningful content to the marketplace and I realized I had an accidental architecture. I had bits of mediocre content flying all over this Arpanet.

So what did I do? I decided to literally diagram where I am, where my readers are spatially on the web compared to where I am and weighted “objects” on benefit, effort and a totally subjective cool factor. Yes, I think everything can be put into model. Once I did that I figured out my haphazard hairball or spaghetti online existence just wasn’t what I wanted. So where did I start? My blog and worked out from the brand nucleus.

  • Usability: Your stuff has to easily navigated to be read! That’s right, I didn’t spend a whole lot of time thinking about what goes where and why is something is on my blog until now. Guess what – there’s less clutter and in just the short time I’ve been re-designed, I’ve had more subscribers than any other single day! Clean is good.
  • Consistency: This is as much about content, as it is about the frequency, so I automated a few things with behind the scenes posting automation/replication. I still need to clean things up a little, but Twitterfeed and the WordPress plug-in Postalicious will be making my life just a little easier and establishing a reliable flow of content, I would like to read. I think I still have a little recursive content, but I’ll have that fixed by Wednesday.
  • Necessity – Only use things that add value. If a widget doesn’t derive benefits which you can PROVE in your analytics, then its got to go. You know what there’s an interesting side benefit- less widgets = faster site.

This is what I have for now, I’ll keep thinking about it and if you have ideas or recommendations let me and my readers know.