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Slide week continues with a lecture

You can’t say i didn’t warn you earlier in the week that this was slide week. I had way too much time while on holiday and just consumed so much content that I had to share. The other thing I was also doing a bunch of research on some stuff. The Lecture 7 presentation below on Branding is an interesting academic set of slides, which I hope are helpful.

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The Social Media Time Crunch

With all the focus on the diminishing attention and the general availability of time in my life, I spent some time itemizing what I do and throwing it into a spreadsheet, just to get an idea of how much time I’m investing in social media.

That sleep bar continues to shrink – can’t be good.


  • Travel – Commute, Air travel
  • Friends – Directly engaged and interacting in person
  • Family – Engaged as a dad, husband, son, brother, uncle, cousin
  • TV – Various – family overlay most of the time
  • Sleep – dreaming, REM, tossing, turning
  • Email – Personal – private, Personal – public, Spam, Work
  • Social Media – Reading, writing, searching, thinking, posting
  • Work – Thinking, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, speaking
  • Meetings – Listening, learning, sharing, watching, talking

So I’m on the lookout for a new productivity tool for social media and this whole FriendFeed is a great candidate for my new social interface. Can’t imagine the time slice of social media Chris Brogan, Aaron Brazell or Erin Kotecki Vest have on their spreadsheets, I bet their sleep bar is considerably smaller than mine.