So I will tell you I am a BIG [tag]iPod[/tag] fan and my only complaint is the [tag]battery[/tag]. Because of the battery, I’ve never really embraced the [tag]iPod video[/tag] features. I think it’s the best thing out there for music, but not so much when it comes to video – it’s a drain and the two movies I tried to watch, went dead before it was over.
I know there are accessories with a battery extenders, but that’s kinda like putting [tag]spinners[/tag] or neon lights on the underside of your car. The whole after market iPod add-on piece is a little much, except for the skins for protection. To that end, I have my music in hand and am off to the airport. Cheers!
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[…] B-Travel – Long flights and not enough battery power… […]