Have to give credit where credit is due. First I love [tag]slideshare.net[/tag], this is the coolest thing for me. Mainly because I don’t edit video, but also because I just like [tag]PowerPoint[/tag]. The other piece which requires credit is the presentation by Rohit Bhargava on the 25 Styles of Blogs, I also found his blog and his book looks interesting.
I would have never thought to the level of granularity Rohit did, so kudo’s to him as it is insightful and inspiring.
Thanks for the link – I’m glad you found the presentation useful. Looking at your About page, here is one concept in the book that I think you’ll immediately relate to as well … the idea of the accidental spokesperson. This a person, often from the middle of an organization, who becomes a spokesperson without intending to. I first wrote about it here:
wow – people read my about page. I understand the accidental spokesperson and the PR risk/fear. Great piece on corporate bloggers.
You are in my OPML file feedburner +1 – cheers!