This is more of a think about it post. Was reading a blog on Marketing 3.0 that new marketing is on many levels not related to “old marketing”. Excerpt:
We need to somewhat abandon traditional methods of marketing and look for inventive ways to build brand, awareness and of course leads for the sales folks. [tag]Marketing 3.0[/tag] is knowing the marketplace, the technologies available: harnessing and executing on all of the above to win the end game.
It’s still about the basics – the 4 P’s. Promotion and placement have significantly changed, but it’s always about the product. A great example is Xobni, an outlook plug-in – GREAT online [tag]marketing[/tag], GREAT word of mouth and they have the social network thing working. Cool [tag]product[/tag], interesting concept, but not actionable and no productivity lift – still cool though. I just might not be the target users – try it.
Utterz on the other hand – GREAT [tag]moblog[/tag] product, good concept and mastery of using a network for growth. So Marketing 3.0 is still about the basics.
I’ve been a user of Xobni for about two weeks now, and I can say with certainty that it has increased my email productivity tenfold. The amount of time I used to spend searching for attachments, or trying to remember who someone is has been effectively reduced to nil.
I recommend everyone give it a try.
Thanks for recognizing our marketing efforts. The response on the web has been fantastic. I couldn’t find your email address on your blog, but I want to learn more about your experience with Xobni. I’m especially interested in identifying how many unique people you interact with per week, if you file messages versus use one giant inbox, how internal or external facing your job is, etc.
I you have the time, please email me at matt [dot] brezina [at] xobni [dot] com. I’d love to hear about your experience.
Co-founder, Xobni
Matt – i’ll send an email, great service and follow up. I gave some insights on the uninstall page.
[…] due to my post on Marketing 3.0 where I referenced the importance of product and cited my uninstall on Xobni, we exchanged notes […]