YEEE HAW! Spatially Relevant recently was added to Alltop under the Branding Section, I think it may have something to do with the eBook, The Social Marketing Construct: Evolving brands and changing realities, but I really don’t know how. It could have been the Presidential Brand post, which I really liked writing with Sheryl’s help. Could be Sheryl’s Out Telling Stories piece? Sheryl is such a better brand person than I and completely saturated with work to the point she can’t blog, but only edit. Obviously she didn’t edit this one.
I really have no idea, I sorta was hoping it was my Social Brand Management Slideshare show, but that was so long ago, there is no way. Another no way it is possible piece is the Brand Extension of the 5th P, but since most folks haven’t read that again no way.
I did search my email and I did find a thread with Neenz, so perhaps that was the selection driver. At the end of the day, it is about value and value is different for every person and marketing is clearly about telling stories and developing a brand and that is about all I know, which apparently may be enough.
After reviewing the list SR is clearly with good company/in over our heads. I can’t inventory all of them, but here are a few of the cool kids, which SR now needs to try and keep up with:
- The Big Kahuna – The brand identity guru, Scott White. Gosh I Hope that is how he wants his brand identity cited.
- A Clear Eye – Tom Asacker’s blog, this guy does brand math and I’m always happy see people do math.
- The Brand Strategy Blog – Not sure their green assertion in the article I linked to is right, since I know some REALLY old folk who are more green than most 23 yr old vegan’s I know.
- Krishna De’s Blog – There is a little micro-casting going on over on Krishna’s blog with the Wicklow County piece, but heck it’s a community service and it is Ireland, so you should be able to drive most anywhere at anytime.
- Dimbulb – “Brand on the Run” is just clever, no way I will ever be that clever. Added to my reader.
- Branding Blog – I’m not sure I’m going to meet cool people and get them rich, so you may want to check out the branding blog, as you ain’t gettin that here team.
- Personal Branding Blog – Any person that has a post on Italy and personal branding has to being adding some value, since Italy IS brand from an export perspective. I guess that is what you get with a “global team” of writers.
- Dave Knox’s Hard Knox Life is an interesting play on words/name and he appears to have some interesting fact based research.
- Brand Curve – The coolest brand blog name out there, IMHO
- Whiplash – Any one with an Obama piece has to be OK.
- The Engaging Brand Blog – Not sure what it is, but the site makes me dizzy, not so much via the feed though. Could be the far better content than I or something else.
- Guy Richards – I like to blog about business travel too. Mainly how much I suck at it.
- Greteman Group – I really like their logo, content is good too.
- Orange Blog – Just got nominated for being a top advertising blog. Kudos.
- The Brand Elastic – The second coolest name for a branding blog. Brand is definitely situational – people, location, age, activities, interactions and the name supports that, plus they are featuring National Geographic post right now.
- Director Tom – Actually met him at a conference last year. Very cool to finally be close to his caliber, ok not really that close, but on the same list anyhow.
- Expert in the Rough – Not sure, but I think he is using a geology metaphor, so I wonder what is the hardness of the Alltop list on Moh’s scale? Mica? Feldspar?
- Brains on Fire – As a marketer, I clearly know hair on fire, I guess brains on fire is the equivalent of not noticing the fire for a while and it getting a little out of control. The thank you video is a good idea, might be better than a list.
- ID-ology – Cool name and any blog with a category called brilliant thinking has to have some good content.
- Tungsten – I just want to live in the mountains and brand, which is apparently what these folks do. Right on!
There are bunch more at, check them out and find what you like. I’m clearly over my head on this, but at least for the next day or so, I will use my listing as market focused validation that Spatially Relevant doesn’t suck, or at least the blog sucks less than I thought. Ultimately brand takes a village and so does Spatially Relevants staying in Alltop, so thanks to all you readers and those that come by way of Alltop.
@spatially Hi Jon, Congrat’s on making it on to Alltop! Thx for mentioning me in your post, along with other cool folks.:)
congrats on joining the club. Funny reference to the Moh’s scale, have not heard that in a while.
I look forward to reading up on your site.
thanks for the mention.
@spatially Hi Jon, Congrat’s on making it on to Alltop! Thx for mentioning me in your post, along with other cool folks.:)
rt: @spatially blog: While unexpected, I am appreciative – Alltop Branding Listing: ..
Hey, JG,
congratulations, and thanks for mentioning ID-ology in your litany of branding blogs. I look forward to your posts.
Welcome to Alltop and thanks for the mention. I’ve added you to my reader and I can’t wait to see what you churn out.