MiniCarts: Thank you smart person

photo.jpg by you.

I’ve seen the half carts in numerous places, I vaguely remember them from a European shopping experience or I imagined it.  I for some reason always equate useful, small and smart with European not sure why.  Regardless it is perfect for a quick trip which has awkward sized items not good for a basket – like 2 gallons of milk, 1 gallon of Soy Milk, 1 big apple juice a, bananas and cereal.

From a financial perspective, I’m pretty sure I spent more than I would have with a basket so it appears to be a good share of wallet decision as well.  Give ’em a shot – easier to maneuver and better than the little baskets without a doubt.

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  • Reply jon gatrell February 4, 2009 at 5:15 pm

    MiniCarts: Thank you smart person:

    I’ve seen the half carts in numerous places, I vaguely remember them ..

  • Reply Chris Cummings February 5, 2009 at 9:54 pm

    I wonder if the “minicarts” on shopping sites have a similar effect on shoppers? The aisles are virtual, so that’s not an issue. But does the ability to check out from any page of a site (without needing to return to the shopping cart page itself) get you to spend more, or does it freak you out because you can see the list of items (and their total cost) trailing you during the entire experience?

    • Reply Jon Gatrell February 18, 2009 at 3:08 pm

      I just got this via an email from a friend in the UK:

      Not sure if this translates or if you have this in the US.

      I was at a brand new Tesco recently and when I returned the trolley to the bay outside there was a sign saying do not cross the line with this cart.

      I had no idea what it was but my wife filled me in.

      Each trolley has a device fitted to it and there is a virtual ring around the entire store edge including car park and walkways outside.

      If you take the trolley past the line… disables and you cannot push it any further!

      Never heard of this and was impressed.

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