With 150,000+ miles in the air this year, I have good deal to be thankful for. So on to 2012’s 100 things I’m thankful for so far this year.
- Any day I’m home chilling with family.
- Any day I learn something new.
- That my Facebook stream has returned to kitten photos and non-political memes.
- That I’ve resisted the temptation to buy the iPad mini
- That I still find joy in watching Paul Blart: Mall Cop with my kids for the 132nd time
- That I wake up excited and go to bed fulfilled.
- That I was able to finally catch up with Eric this year – 3 years is too long.
- The way Hadrian slowly wakes up every morning.
- That Kevren and Dijouri are setting and achieving their goals already
- A night of a full 8 hours of sleep regardless of time zone considerations.
- Lunch with Jake
- A morning walk
- Cooking Sunday breakfast just like my Dad did when I was a kid.
- Soup!
- That I’ve been able to use Delta award tickets to fly my family in for the holidays.
- Catching up on TV on a dreary day
- When kindness trumps the “hurriedness” of life.
- The day I realized that you can really enjoy a Saturday without the internet.
- Angry Birds Star Wars
- A user interface that doesn’t require a companion video
- That I still believe most people are kind and mean well
- When I go places where the dollar is still a strong currency
- Random phone discussions with John
- Opportunities to talk about markets.
- The days when I get to use my geography skills beyond reading a map.
- Sour Cream ice cream with bacon dust sprinkled on it.
- That I found a nice Italian restaurant right here in Canton!
- The kids are growing up to be fun little people all around.
- Engaging discussions with the folks I work with
- A good vegetarian dish on a hotel room service menu.
- Days when I actually have time to blog.
- That my parents are still around and willing to lend a hand and provide insight.
- Instagram’s new profile pages
- Layovers I can actually enjoy
- Sunsets that fall into the horizon over a mountain or an ocean.
- Working with a bunch of professionals
- Any opportunity where I can teach someone something
- Waffle house breakfast with the family
- Medallion Qualifying Miles
- That I actually finished a book I should have read a long time ago.
- That everyday I have the opportunity to help solve problems
- Cloudy days which make for a good movie day.
- Falling asleep before the plane takes off.
- Watching live music with friends
- My fence which keeps the dogs from running around the neighborhood.
- Naps
- A cold unsweet tea on a hot North Georgia day.
- Corn mazes
- The cloud messaging from Apple.
- Any chance I get to catch a baseball game.
- A cold Fat Tire
- A good bottle of reasonably priced wine.
- That all my kids take every opportunity to learn new thing
- The team at Pragmatic Marketing
- Traveling to new places – I got to see South Korea and Thailand this year!
- Not having to travel for Thanksgiving this year – five years in a ROW!
- Each time I read a quote which just makes me think
- Every time I get the opportunity to have a thoughtful discussion
- Dinner with friends
- That most days I have no surprises and when I do, I’m up for them
- On time departures
- Cooking dinner with Emily for friends and family
- Every time I catch a Back to the Future marathon
- When the coffee maker in my hotel room actually works and doesn’t only have decaf!
- Every chance to catch up with those folks I’ve been hanging out with for the last decade
- The Kindle App – reading is fun
- My Sirius subscription has changed my ride to the airport
- The two product managers from DirectTV who showed me how to really view TV Anywhere!
- All the people that help me along the way in life.
- When I find a nugget of information I wouldn’t have thanks to folks I follow on Facebook or Twitter
- Anita who kindly volunteers to watch our kids so Em and I can have a life
- Catching up with folks IRL when I’m on the road.
- Any chance to take a ride in the country side on a saturday afternoon.
- That my mom understands when I forgot to give her a call on her birthday because I was on the road. Thx mom!
- Every time we random into a music festival.
- Google Maps, I refuse to update my iPhone.
- Being able to watch the same Mentalist three days in a row and never make it to the end. zzzzzzz
- The active Product Camp community.
- Any time I can get a cab in Manhattan at 5 PM
- DVR’s
- Every chance I get to play a game of pool
- Pinochle
- Neil Young on the iPod
- Opportunity to almost serve on a jury this year.
- That Gallaher’s isn’t really closing – maybe.
- The view of PHX from the Marriott Buttes.
- Golfing in the rain
- Woodworking projects
- A speedy internet connection at the Delta sky club
- Finding a new connection thanks to a re-tweet
- Math is just math
- No need to buffer streamed TV
- My creative and fun wife, Emily
- Anytime I get the chance to see someone practicing their craft.
- Command Hooks
- Doggie Doors
- Long term plans which come together in the end
- Sleeping kids
- That my twins are doing ok at the whole driving thing.
- A good haircut
Have a great and safe Thanksgiving!
Related Posts
- 100 Things I’m Thankful For – 2007
- Things I’m Thankful for 2008
- 2009: 100 Things I’m Thankful for
- 100 Thing in 2010 I’m thankful for so far
- 2011: 100 Things I’m Thankful for

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