So this is my third installment of 100 things I am thankful for, the original continues to be the most active search post on spatially relevant and this always is favorite post to write every year.
The terms vary from funny things to be thankful for to what kid’s should be thankful for. Regardless, this is the most rewarding post to write every year.
- My family – it just keeps getting bigger and bigger – better and better
- That big brothers take care of the other siblings
- That twins just know what to do
- The peaceful early morning drive to the office
- Frost in the country
- Coconut curry soup
- That the University of Michigan Medical Center doesn’t suck at any thing they do.
- That I will not achieve Gold status on delta this year and probably next
- The cheese in Spain is about the best anywhere
- The fact that Spanish wines are insanely cheap, compensates for the cost of cheese 😉
- Time off with no internet access
- A cab driver who doesn’t talk to me
- The ability to see the mountains everyday
- That my friends stepped up on the club seats for New Years with Panic
- That big brothers take care of all the other ones
- Pleased when people understand the difference between hallucinating and vision.
- Wireless on a plane, but only kinda.
- That Ron, one of my mentors, recovered from his stroke fairly quickly.
- That Chattanooga is about as pretty as anywhere else on an overcast day
- Hulu – at least when I am in the United States
- A new tie
- Fringe, the TV show
- Julia, the nurse with the Jello
- Karen, the nurse with the infectious optimism
- My readers
- The crew in A2 (Chris, Patti and Drake)
- Waking up to fog and just knowing the mountains are still there
- Any day Em doesn’t have a saved segment of Dr. Phil backing her up on something.
- My friends in and around the greater San Francisco bay area (Ruslan, Rick, Chris, Mark)
- That science continues to advance and the Discovery channel tells me so
- New Socks
- Working from home
- My new grill which is just way too much for the average steak, but I still use it
- Skype
- Emily’s cooking, specifically her pork paprikash and whatever new thing she has discovered online.
- The Hadrian Snuggle Mood every morning
- That Jen is a great mother of Kevren and Dijouri and a friend
- Everyday I have the opportunity to just take in the scenery, like colors
- The beach, not a lake beach, but a Gulf beach more than anything
- Catching up with Friends when on the road
- Old Town Madrid
- Not having to travel for Thanksgiving this year, 3 years in a row!
- My external hard drive which has over a decade of junk on it. I just might need that presentation from 2001 for something
- That my parents, although grumpy are still good folk who I need to talk to about stuff. Wisdom is a good thing
- Not having to travel for Thanksgiving this year – three years in a ROW!
- That I still have my atlas from my 18th birthday, it has a SIGNIFICANTLY less pages now thanks to my kids
- That Em and I did actually get out to see some music this year that wasn’t Thomas the Tank Engine
- The moment I realized that there IS a speed limit on the autobahn and only got 1 ticket
- That the SEC has just crazy good tailgates
- A Sunday afternoon drive with the family
- That my kids trust me enough to actually “friend” me on facebook – SUCKAS! 😉
- That Auburn didn’t win and I was asleep by the end of the game
- That Ken’s 40th birthday party was not just good for him, but me as well. Great to see friends and talk to adults.
- Watching Dijouri think
- Watching Kevren with his little brothers
- Watching Prescott dance
- Watching Hadrian “cook”
- I am well within 60 days of no more diapers until I am a grandparent
- A perfectly smoked turkey (fingers crossed, doing my first one today!)
- The day I realized that personal email is more or less junk, so no need to manage it
- Days when the clouds roll into my backyard, not that high up, but enough to get the occasional low lying cloud roll in.
- That I actually rented my old house for 2.5 years on a single lease. 2009 the Year of the Slumlord
- That Hannover, Germany, while not seen as a hotspot is filled with good people
- That Cold Play just happened to be in town when I was on a trip
- On time and on budget feature delivery.
- That most people are thoughtful, kind and mean well.
- Real life conversations with kids or adults
- Insights from My Twitter Stream
- Free Wireless
- That a broken iPhone can be easily transitioned in an iTouch for the kids
- That most people can still smile, even during hard times
- That Patti still has that special way of making me feel special after 15 years
- Looking at Canal’s can just make any day better
- That Prescott and Hadrian are pretty good friends
- That Kevren and Dijouri are pretty good friends
- Every chance I get to golf, I have to get ready for senior tour after all
- Street Musician’s with really good instruments
- Watching folks who worked for me in the past doing well.
- That I have time to read to my kids
- That Kevren and dijouri take the time to teach their brothers stuff.
- That rare reality when leftovers actually taste better the next day
- The recurring reality when Emily sneaks leftover ingredients in and doesn’t tell me
- The fact that I have 2 back up set of head phones in my briefcase, just in case Hadrian pulled one out
- That a day on the Hooch is as good as anything, just bring sunblock.
- That I have time to read to my kids
- Layovers I can actually enjoy
- Ideas that work
- Ideas that don’t work and learning from them
- Any opportunity where I can teach someone something – kids included
- Sleeping in to 7:30 am
- That it all works out in the end, no really does.
- Grey Goose and Red Bull
- That steak at Bones with John and John
- Every chance I get the time to enjoy architecture
- When I have extra room in my bags to compensate for the clothes I have to buy because I didn’t pack right
- Entertaining Tweets which pop up when I’m in a meeting and make me laugh out loud and then have to explain it.
- That Sheryl seems to always have what I need on her hard drive
- The other contributors here who make Spatially Relevant Better everyday than I can alone
- The random call, text, hand written note, facebook poke or other outreach that confirms we are all still connected
- Any opportunity to share, listen and be with people I care about

SR Post: 100 Things I am Thankful For – circa 2009:
So this is my third installment of 100 things I am thankful …
Things I am thankful for on thanksgiving – 1st list –, 2009 list.
[…] 2009: 100 Things I’m Thankful for […]