Oh yeah and a little math is more or less what the discussion was about. I was lucky enough to coax a couple of people into the discussion. I was able to catch some good sessions, one which Dan Greenfield lead a panel on social media and Steve did an Agile pitch.
Very thankful for Jason Brett putting together Atlanta’s first productcamp. I’m appreciative to have gotten some dots and to talk with folks on roadmaps, ProductCamp Atlanta was basically another technology event which was a huge success. Solid sponsorship and attendance.
Implementing Strategy: Roadmaps to Releases
View more OpenOffice presentations from spatiallyrelevant.
slides up from #pcampatl http://tinyurl.com/storytellingmath
Strategy: It’s Just Storytelling and Pretty Pictures: #pcampatl Oh yeah and a little math is more or less what t.. http://tinyurl.com/qcgcag
Thanks for sharing. #pcampatl was a superb event! I did not get a chance to attend your session, but I checked out your slides and like your style. Really appreciate slide 18, getting out in the community to talk face to face is important…Hope to see you at one of these events!
#pcampatl was a blast. The slides might be a little out of context, but hopefully adequately explain the pitch. I’ll be at all of those events!
RT @spatially: slides up from #pcampatl http://tinyurl.com/storytellingmath