Thought I would provide a recap of the series which appears to be some of the most popular content here according to Google analytics… So in case you didn’t catch it the first time, here’s the replay:
Sales Interface – Vikram Singha: The successful organization aligns the Sales leader and the CMO tightly and creates structures that allow these teams to interact both formally AND informally. The trick is to make sure there isn’t an echo chamber and that creative differences can be brought out and thought through. My sense is that short term focused organizations (typically the tech industry which tend to be more quarter-driven) tend to have more differences. Managing this is always a challenge, as well as part of the fun of marketing.
Culture – Chris Brogan: listening. I think that listening and customer service are the new marketing. Screw your stupid tag lines and contests. If I listen to prospective customers’ needs, and I can improve the way a customer works with my company, then I’m doing what marketing really wants to do: acquire new customers and keep the existing ones happy.
Awareness – Steve Johnson: …it’s just the concept of being in marketing. The word marketing means different things to different folks. 1/3 thinks it is advertising, 1/3 hear MARCOM and the remaining 1/3 think it is strategy and products. The confusion of what marketing is challenging for a lot of people in marketing roles.
Roles – Chris Cummings: The most interesting and challenging has been defining and explaining what it is, exactly, that I do. Over the years, more than one person (including multiple CEOs) have noted that: a) they’re not entirely sure how I do what I do but b) I always get the job done, and bring real value to the business. On the one hand, that’s a big compliment. On the other, it made me a little nervous
Engagement – Jay Baer: ..stop (at least for this year) talking about the hot new thing, and instead turn our attention to doing the current things better. Social media optimization and integration would be a good start.
Customer Intimacy – Josh Duncan: I would say that now, more than ever, successful organizations are finding a way to align their marketing, sales, and support teams to best server their customers. There is a greater understanding that all of these touch points are important when it comes to the customer experience.
Metrics – Elizabeth Quintanilla: ..finding all the analytics based on the customer metrics and presenting them in a digestible format for the small business owner so they can see the impact of their marketing activities
Teams Matter – Jennifer Doctor: I believe what is hard is understanding and adapting to the different cultures I have entered and left. Each environment brings its own set of expectations and rules, mostly unwritten and tribal driven. This can make it challenging to drive to what is right and make a difference.
Evolving Expectations – John Peltier: Product management is evolving and maturing as a discipline, which is helping illustrate to companies the clarity of vision that should exist for products brought to market. Product managers should strive to establish a minimum set of deliverables that can clearly convey the essence of a product, and should strive to ensure they can complete it convincingly before delivering a product to market.
Field Success Matters – Marty Thompson: One of the most valuable things any marketer can do is spend time with their sales team. Go out in the field with them. Walk a mile in their moccasins. Believe it or not, they really want you to help them be more successful. And they spend more time talking with customers and prospects, more than most marketers do now. Spend time with your customers, even the ones who are unhappy. Get out there.
All about the Product – Mukund Mohan: Great products appeal to the customer in a uniquely satisfying way, making marketing’s job to only create awareness. Satisfied customer’s allow for faster product adoption and provides quicker time to revenue.

Marketing is in the Middle: The Recap
Thanks again for the interview! Great series with @spatially: Marketing is in the Middle: The Recap #prodmgmt #prodmktg
#marketing is in the Middle: The Recap
Great series from @spatially: Marketing is in the Middle: The Recap #prodmgmt #prodmktg #marketing
Glad to be included in Marketing is in the Middle: The Recap – via @spatially
Great series from @spatially: Marketing is in the Middle: The Recap #prodmgmt #prodmktg #marketing
Great series from @spatially: Marketing is in the Middle: The Recap #prodmgmt #prodmktg #marketing
Thanks for including me RT @spatially: Marketing is in the Middle: The Recap #prodmgmt
Marketing is in the Middle: The Recap via @zite
Marketing is in the Middle: The Recap #PMBlog
Thanks @spatially for including me: "Marketing is In the Middle: The Recap"
Thanks @spatially for including me: "Marketing is In the Middle: The Recap"
[…] The Marketing is in the Middle Series: This is an interview series of marketing and product folks and the main link is actually a summary of all participants over the years. 2011 featured folks from various industries like Jay Baer, Elizabeth Quintanilla, Joshua Duncan, Jennifer Doctor, Christopher Cummings, John Peltier, Marty Thompson and others. […]