Pricing for your market is always a challenge. Wouldn’t it be helpful if you could market data about the platforms, segments and competitors before you determined your price? Here is a presentation which appears to do just that for the mobile application market.
Other Pricing Resources:
- Pricing Basics – Models and Concepts
- Pricing as Innovation
- How can you business model impact pricing?
- 5 Insights on Succeeding with Freemium Pricing
Pricing Your App: Know the Trends for Apple, Android, RIM and Others
Pricing an App: Trends for Apple, Android, RIM.. #prodmgmt
Just checking out @spatially 's blog. Thanks for the great post on app pricing. Looking to develop my own. #research
Pricing Your App: Know the Trends for Apple, Android, RIM and Others #PMBlog
One thing I’ve noticed is that the higher the price point, the less customer support queries we’ve had.
And I think that applies across many sectors.