Why does your company blog suck? It doesn’t have to!

Some interesting insights from Mark Schaefer, directionally all of these are good recommendations based on facts. If 71% of buyers from the 2011 buyer report from Buyersphere reference blogs as part of the first stage of buying, then it might be a good idea to have one. I know you have reservations, so let me address the top 3 I hear:

1. Our buyers don’t use social media and alike: Well with over 750 Million people on facebook, there just might be some of your customers there. Maybe Facebook isn’t the right place for your industry, but LinkedIn is north of 200 million, so there might be a couple of buyers there for you to engage and build relationships with.

2. I don’t have time: While I get this one, are your competitors using social media? How do they have the time? I guess they make the time, you should too.

3. We don’t have that much content: Really? Are there whitepapers which could have a quick refresh and be edited down? CEO interviews you could do? Customer interviews? As marketers and product folks we are writing all the time, but if you don’t have content – ask others in your business. Who? People in development, support, professional services or wherever – you have smart people throughout your businesses who can share their knowledge with your market.

If you have 2 minutes, please participtate in our survey to better understand how you are using social media for your markets and products. Here is the link: https://survey.vovici.com/se.ashx?s=3877A95112A62085

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  • Reply Dave Daniels October 11, 2011 at 2:09 pm

    RT @spatially: Why does your company blog suck? It doesn't have to! http://t.co/eo8ns3HD #b2b #marketing #prodmktg

  • Reply Alltop Branding October 11, 2011 at 2:49 pm

    Why does your company blog suck? It doesn’t have to! http://t.co/ENdtSbNt

  • Reply Webs.com October 11, 2011 at 2:56 pm

    How often do you update your website blog? Do you use any of the following excuses not to update regularly? http://t.co/lky3STBl

  • Reply Rebecca Kalogeris October 11, 2011 at 3:35 pm

    Why does your company blog suck? It doesn't have to! – http://t.co/wWdCQ0cW via @spatially

  • Reply Franklin Moser October 12, 2011 at 12:27 pm

    Why does your company blog suck? It doesn’t have to! http://t.co/K4bw3uKQ #PMBlog

  • Reply Weston October 27, 2011 at 10:52 am

    Hi Jon, I like this blog and especially the part about blogging even if you don’t think anyone is reading. My colleagues have taken this seriously and post blogs twice a week and have seen some results in SEO and hits, even if the number of replies has stayed relatively static. You are also right about finding topics, ours ranging from the informational to the educational, and anything in between. Here is a link to the blog if you are interested in seeing how our concerted effort is shaping up: http://bit.ly/c7cQLt .

    • Reply Jon Gatrell October 27, 2011 at 2:21 pm


      Thanks for leaving the comment. With easiness of a RT and alike in the social landscape, not alot folks spend time for comments. Most appreciated. I’ve been reading seilevel sporadically, but haven’t taken the time to provide comments. Thanks for reminding me that it is a conversation – sometimes with travel, life and all the other things that get in the way we appreciate things, we just don’t let people know.

      The analyst perks piece is one that still makes me giggle. http://requirements.seilevel.com/blog/2011/09/becoming-a-business-analyst-the-end-of-perks.html

      Have a great day!

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