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Can Social Media Create Value for Businesses?


Interesting research report from Olgilvy on Social Media creating value for businesses. From the executive summary:

Ogilvy and ChatThreads enlisted approximately 400 US restaurant consumers who tracked and reported 5,295 touch points with five restaurant brands across all major types of media….

What did we find?

1. Social media exposure is directly linked with increases in sales. Integrated social media (social content + one or more other channels) exposure is linked with significant increases in spend and consumption—for example, social media + PR exposure was associated with a 17% spend increase compared to the prior week without these.

2. Integration matters. Exposure to social content was most consistently effective when it was combined with exposure to other types of media channels.

3. Social media is a top driver of impact. Out of the 20 channels analyzed, social media was No. 1 or No. 2 in magnitude of impact on spend and consumption.

4. Social media exposure is directly linked with changes in brand perception. Social media by itself is particularly effective at rapidly impacting brand perception— exposure to social media generated the largest impact on brand perception over a short (one week) period of time.

5. Brand exposure in social media is low. Weekly social media exposure to brand mentions was relatively low (24% of panel) vs. television branded exposure (69% of panel), even in this selected high social media consumption group of consumers



How does your business use social media?

In an effort to gain more insight into the usage of social media by marketers, product marketers and product managers, we have a quick survey for you to participate in. The survey should only take like 2 minutes, so your input is appreciated!

Here’s the Survey:

Survey ends Friday 10.28

You can’t move a brand without moving people…

212 slides on positioning your brand, sorta.  More about Innovation and Brands and how the channels of communication may just be the innovation. Great break down on brands by Johan Ronnestam, I’ve never thought of my name as a google keyword though.

Conclusion: It is no longer possible to say ANYTHING original about social media

So it sorta feels like the oxygen has been sucked out of social media or at least the originality.  While I like the slight metaphor twist by Krista Neher and the apparent use of the 5 step approach she undoubtly had ingrained at P&G, where’s the new content?  This isn’t Krista’s fault, the presentation is solid and spot on. The next steps close with connect is classic 5 step, but even with that I still find myself wanting in general for something new to happen in the scene.

Perhaps we are just entering the “no original thought” part of social media.  Pirates, defenders, advocates, rouges, creators, lurkers, trolls, detractors, blah, blah, blah…. Brands in social media need to change their approach to engaging and listening needs to central to the brand’s digital strategy and anyone that doesn’t already know this is just 1 bad quarter from a new job or no job.

Again, NOT to pick on Krista, because she did nail it and is further spreading the word which everyone needs to know, so take a look, since she did get a slot in Vegas which is no small feat:

Brand Management Pubcon Vegas09″>Online Brand Management Pubcon Vegas09

View more presentations from Krista Neher.

Social Marketing = Be Nice and Play Along

Bryan Jone’s presentation on social marketing is yet another view on social media sorta, but the whole “Be Nice and Play Along” concept is more or less spot on, if not an exact quote, but I’m not constrained by 140 characters.