Social media is increasingly about integration – not just for business processes, but also systems to be most effective. What is a CIO to do? Content, conversations and complexity around compliance are always in play.
Whew… that was a long title, so is the presentation, but it is spot on. Marketing content isn’t a haphazard “get it done set of tasks” for us as marketeers and brand folk. Mark Fidelman from Seek Omega nails in 74 slides.
I’m not sure why the pitch is centered on Twitter, since the conceptual model can be applied to any media channel today. The Insipid Drool or Useful overlap exists so long as the content can be searched or consumed at one’s own schedule. It also substantiates that a given person or a given problem being solved can change the value of any content you might produce as a marketer. One person’s drool just might be another person’s business case.