So Brogan wrote on the [tag]Scoble[/tag] Effect, well let me tell you there is a Brogan effect as well. I posted appreciatively to his blog for some great content, from which I took his direction and blogged on one of his 100 topic. So Brogan has a technorati authority of over 600 and Scoble over 6100.
Easy math indicates a direct article on Scoblizer would be about 100X views, views than Brogan. I’ve tested it against some low authority blogs and high authority referrers as well, 119 blog sources. [tag]Digg[/tag] does however send some reasonable traffic my way. It’s not a linear scale, it appears to have tiers of disproportionate impact, with a lessening number of visits per authority as you go up in scale.
This appears to map out fairly well against a gizmodo baseline which I have had a direct post on one of the properties I manage, Gizmodo is worth 134 views. So I estimate the scoble effect at about 90-105 visitors. Is that close?