The following is a Top 5 list of several genres. These are posts I wrote and I liked, Emily wrote and I wrote and no one seemed to like.
[tag]Top 5 Posts[/tag] I wrote for 2007 in my opinion
- The Collaborator – Part of the stuck in the middle series, but I think this could standalone outside of the [tag]humor[/tag]ous series on [tag]middle management[/tag] impact. I only have like 4, possibly 5 left which I will go back to in January.
- [tag]Market Sizing[/tag] – A piece I did on a friends blog @ Launch Clinic, David is a very cool cat and a great product marketer.
- Meeting Maxims – A random gram on [tag]running an effective meeting[/tag].
- Thesis Fodder – A general observation on [tag]blogging styles[/tag], not sure it’s right, but it helped me understand better this blog thing.
- The Geologist – This stuck in the middle piece as a homage to a friend
Top 5 Emily Wrote, while she’s not necessarily a blogger, she carves out time now and then to do things of interests.
- If I were a television producer – a Brogan topic which she had some fun with based on your previous life in film and [tag]tv production[/tag].
- Word Association – A fun little random into moe.
- Mom’s Pork Chops – It’s the one recipe she did which she was a little more personal than recipe.
- Pink Highlighter – Another personal post which continued to show a change in Em’s blogging and sharing, wish she would spend more time on this initiative.
- McDonald’s again – More of a joint piece, but spurred a piece for me as well.
Top 5 I liked, but no one appeared to like
- Geographic 25 – A set of topics to encourage posting by others. I met Edward V. because of this, so it was great because of that alone.
- Mosaic – I thought it was fun, but a friend of my referred to it as being just a little conceptual and obscure, but I know one person got it.
- The 5th P – A proctor friend referred to this as blasphemy, but I think portfolio management is the 5th p.
- B-Travel and General Travel Posts – I like these, but I think they are all about me and that’s ok.
This is more than likely it for 2007, see you in 2008.
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