While this presentation is ultimately an ad which is looking for something actionable, it does make for an interesting way to listen to a market. The slides provide a nice overview of how to use tools and look at conversations in a market. I would think this approach to a social media audit could be easily adapted for technology marketers wanting to listen to a given market segment.
Sample Social Media Audit
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BBQ: A Social Media Audit: Source: While this presentation is ultimately an ad which is looking for something ac… http://bit.ly/kpxAqC
BBQ: A Social Media Audit http://bit.ly/ioA80O #branding #brand
BBQ: A Social Media Audit http://bit.ly/ioA80O
BBQ: A Social Media Audit http://ht.ly/1cPG8L
BBQ: A Social Media Audit http://t.co/r1viA3B
BBQ: A Social Media Audit http://t.co/r1viA3B
found for the most part will have the same concept with your blog.